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- Ammonites
What is an ammonite?
Ammonites are the name given to prehistoric animals that were related to squids and cuttlefish. Their closest visual relative is the nautilus which is still alive today, unfortunately as only the hard parts of the fossil have been preserved no one knows 100% what these animals would have looked like when they were alive.
Ammonites are one of the most famous and wide spread fossils of all time, the iconic spiral shape is something known by many, they can be found anywhere form morocco and Madagascar to our very own Jurassic coast, here at fossilsuk.co.uk we have a wide range of ammonites from many locations and if there is anything you are looking for or any more information you would like to know just use the Find/Contact us page to get in touch and have a chat about these marvellous creatures.
Ammonites are one of the most famous and wide spread fossils of all time, the iconic spiral shape is something known by many, they can be found anywhere form morocco and Madagascar to our very own Jurassic coast, here at fossilsuk.co.uk we have a wide range of ammonites from many locations and if there is anything you are looking for or any more information you would like to know just use the Find/Contact us page to get in touch and have a chat about these marvellous creatures.

Moroccan Ammonite polished

Moroccan Ammonite polished

Moroccan Ammonite

Moroccan Ammonite polished

small boxed ammonites